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The owner of Story Coaching 101 gives a product to help with writing stories…

A Normal Notebook Can Save You Money, Sanity, and Months of Work!

100 Pages Can be a Life Saver


When writing stories many people use a computer. You can use it for more things than just writing stories, and you can type out of your thoughts just as fast as when they pop up in your brain. But some people don’t have the money to afford a computer or just don’t like using them because it messes with their eyes. Well, I’m happy to say that you don’t need a computer to write a story. All you really need is a notebook and pencil! The notebook doesn’t have to pretty looking with fancy patterns or leather bound. In fact, it can look like it got run over a bus and it’ll still be useful. Plus, it’s a lot cheaper than a computer and allows for more things (if you’re not very tech savvy). With this notebook you make a story come to life whether it be in words or in drawings for very little!

Hello! My name is Lively Writer.

Just a normal woman living in small town USA with an unhealthy love to read and write. Like many others, when I got into writing I started on the computer. It allowed me to write my thoughts down very quickly when they popped into my brain. But I soon faced a dilemma when I had to factory reset my computer. When I went to check the place where I usually store all my stories on my computer, I saw that it was all gone! Of course, I freaked out. I was literally chanting no like a broken record on repeat as I checked every inch of my computer for any sort of back up, which I didn’t find. I was in despair. Until I remembered that I had jotted down notes for every chapter in my story in an old notebook (I did on a whim) that I shoved in the back of my desk. Let’s just say that old notebook saved me 3 months’ worth of work and from the temptation to throw my computer at the wall. Ever since then, I’ve always first used a notebook and then copied it over to the computer.

For anyone who has had this issue before you know how painful it is and for those of you who haven’t I hope to save you from that pain.

When I asked my friends whether they used a notebook or a computer to write their stories most of them answered with “notebook”. But more specifically, here’s what a couple of them said.

 “Ha-ha, writing stories? I used to do it a lot in high school, and I always used a notebook. It was a nice physical copy of everything, and I liked to draw my characters. I’m pretty sure I have more sketches of my characters then any actual chapters ha-ha. Plus, it’s a nice backup.”

“I don’t like to write a lot. But I usually use a notebook when I do. In fact, I still have hand drawn map in one of my English notebooks that I drew for a short story, that’s in another notebook, that I had to hand into my English teacher. I would go get it, but I have no idea where they went.”

“Honestly? I like using a notebook more. I’m not very tech savvy and I don’t want to pay for a drawing program. I’m a cheap b****. Plus, do you know how many times I’ve accidently deleted my work and freaked out? Notebook is love; notebook is life ha-ha.”

The problem that many people when they start out writing a story is that they do not keep a physical copy of their work. They think, and I also thought, that because they are using a computer, they can somehow find missing work if it does go missing. Well, that is not always the case. Often, you won’t be able to find it (unless you paid for Microsoft Word). A physical copy of your story is a saving grace in the face of lost work. But a notebook doesn’t only have just these features. A notebook has many features like:

·       Bringing characters to life (drawing characters).

·       Planning out your chapters.

·       Designing maps of your story world (for those who love world building).

·       Jotting down your story line.

·       Jotting down your character outline.

·       Notes for literally anything related to your story.


Side Bar: Special Benefits and Characteristics of Product

·       Green and White

·       Thick100 pages

·       Spiral

·       Stripped

·       Front/Back made from hard plastic

·       Benefit #1: Physical copy of work

·       Benefit #2: Saves money, sanity, and work.

However, the biggest feature of all is one that relates to everyone whether it hasn’t happened to you yet or not. A notebook a physical copy of your story and thus, a life saver in the face of horrible events like loosing all your work on your computer. Just imagine, you’re working on a story for almost a year and its ready to be posted in all its glory. However, the next day you go back to it, and you didn’t save any of your work. First you get angry, then frustrated, and finally sad and decide that you want to scrap the whole story. But low and behold, you find a physical copy of your work (a notebook) and suddenly the world is bright again. A notebook (even thought simple and ordinary) can save you money (because it doesn’t cost a lot), sanity, and months (if not years) of work.

If seems simple right? Obviously, something as simple and ordinary as a notebook can save you money, sanity, and months (if not years) of work. But you’d very surprised by how many people don’t use them. One of the greatest things about a notebook is that it can be used by anyone with a pair of hands. Anything is possible, especially for stories. After all, the only thing from saving you money, sanity, and months (if not years) of work is some time, effort, and a pencil. Seems like a sweet deal, right? If you think so to, then go ahead and click the button below to save yourself money, sanity, and months of work!


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